Saturday, 18 June 2016

Wednesday 15/06/2016 – Danny’s Big Day Out

This was to be Danny’s Big Day Out.  Clive had decided to go to the Russia v Slovakia  in Lille so Danny and I had decided to explore Hazebrouck.  He really enjoyed the bus ride and our first stop was the Jardin Public, which opened in 1929.  The first friend he made were some goats in the park who were pretty chilled about seeing a dragon.  Then we met the swans on the lake in the Jardin, he was disappointed because we had forgotten to take any bread with us .                  

Time for a play and we found a Thomas the Tank engine to play, he spent a long time on the engine!  Before going for our dinner we visited the ground of S.C. Hazebrouck. 

Danny got fed up of waiting for the game to start so we set off to our original hotel. 
After a short bus ride we arrived the Auberge de Foret and Danny was excited to be greeted by some ducks on the grass verge next to the hotel.  They weren’t scared of him and they quickly made friends.  After checking in we caught the bus back to Hazenbrouck and waited for Clive to arrive back on the train from Lille.

1 comment:

  1. Is that Ivor the Engine that Danny is playing with?
